XI Seminar of Environmental Documentation Centers and Protected Natural Areas

  • Names

    Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen XI Mintegia
    XI Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
    XI Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i D'Espais Naturals Protegits
  • Place and dates

    CENEAM, Valsaín (Segovia), from 28th to 30th November 2012

  • Coordination

    Rosario Toril. Documentary Center from CENEAM.

    Montserrat Grabolosa. Natural park Zona Volcánica de Garrotxa. Generalitat of Catalonia.

  • Introduction and participants

    This year, we have changed the season to celebrate the annual Seminar of Environmental Documentation Centers and Protected Natural Areas and we made it in Valsaín (Segovia), from 28th to 30th November in CENEAM (National Educational Environmental Center). Natural park Zona Volcánica de Garrotxa. Generalitat of Catalonia, as in other occasions, has cooperated in the organization.

    The effects of the crisis have also noticed in this meeting because some important centers, such as CIDA from Castilla y León (Information and Environmental Documentary Center from Castilla y León) or the Documentary Center of CIECEM (International Center for Ecological and Environmental Studies and Conventions from the University of Huelva) have stopped to provide their services; others could not assist because of the lack of personal. On the other hand, National Museum of Natural Science of Madrid, Agrarian Institute of Agrarian Science from Superior the Council of Scientific Research and Regional Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning of the Community of Madrid have joined as new incorporations. National Park of Cabrera attended this seminar for the first time. 36 participants from 12 Autonomous Communities also stayed there.

    Regarding social media, digital libraries and Europeana, accessibility in natural parks, environmental management system, general plan of publications and e-books, web 2.0, library defunds (Volcandboulevard project), informative vigilance, dynamization through press news, library and community, integration of the catalog in a library network, etc. have presented with numerous and interested experiences. Moreover, we did a workshop with Jesús Tramullas to manage GanttProject; Juan José Ruban explained the Virtual Biodiversity project, and also a photograph practice took place in despite of the snow; and with Angel Poveda, we learned various resources and technological tools which will facilitate the documental running. It also had time to debate in several working groups, such as experiences and social media. And some new ones were created, such as marketing, small libraries, and publications, which include the existing bulletins. For the coffee breaks of the seminar, we collaborated with Soria Natural.

  • Seminar development


    We begin with the presentation of the new participants:

    • José Amengual. National Park of Cabrera
    • Clara Blanco. Library of the Agrarian Institute from CSIC
    • Isabel Morón. National Museum of Natural Science of Madrid
    • Paloma Gutiérrez. Consejo Economic and Social Council of Spain
    • Encarnación García Hernández. Library of Environment from Regional Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning

    and new representatives of other centers:

    • Pedro Sánchez. Biology Faculty. University of Salamanca
    • David Pérez. CEDREAC (Documentary and Resources Center for Environmental Education of the Government of Cantabria)
    • Andrés Yubero. CITA (Center for Agrifood Research and Technology of Aragon)

    Then, we made a brief presentation about the definition of the network and how we operate for the new attendees, followed by an evaluation of the commitments acquired in the previous year and their degree of compliance.

    Presentación de comunicaciones:



    • Project Management Tutorial with  GannttProject. Jesús Tramullas. University of Zaragoza.
    • RECIDA working groups. To treat the different topics, we have divided into the following working groups: Experiences, publications/bulletin, social networks, marketing, and small libraries. On Friday, we presented the obtained agreements.
    • Virtual biodiversity photographic practice. Juan José Rubal. We made photographs of living beings in the CENEAM environment: lichens, insects, plants, etc.; and then to upload them later to the collaborative database of Virtual Biodiversity. Snow complicated the practice a little.

    After the meal, we did a guided visit to Palacio de La Granja (La Granja Castle) with the guidance of Teresa Antolín and she also commented their gardens.

    Continuation of the communications:

    In the autonomous dinner, Josep Melero reads us the poema de Miquel Martí i Pol “Neu” (nieve), too appropriate for the occasion.



    Continuation of the communications:

    Results of the WORKING GROUPS

    The representatives of each group explained the main conclusions:

    Existed groups:

    • E-Bulletins. Documento consensuado por el grupo.
    • Experiences . In this group, new people joined: Teresa Canyelles, Víctor Benlloch, Yolanda Monteiro, and Rosario Toril. The people who formed the last year either did not attend (Javier Puertas) or changed the group upon the new group's creation (Montse Grabolosa was in the marketing group and Alejandro del Moral, in small libraries). We have reviewed the form used until now to describe the experiences and proposed some changes to clear the questionnaire better. Attendees are encouraged to fill out the experience form. Documento de conclusiones.
    • Social network. In part, this group renewed. Beatríz García, Ángel Poveda, and Jesús Tramullas are no longer, remaining in the group the following people: Jorge Iriarte, Lola Burgos, Pepe Pino, Pedro Sánchez, and Susana Fernández. Documento de conclusiones.

    Newly created working groups:

    • Publications. The publication and bulletin groups mix to create the publications. There will be three people from the bulletins plus Elena Morato, Cristina García, and Concha de Lloret. They discussed the interest in incorporating the publication catalogs of the different centers.
    • Marketing. This group was created because of the need to defund the RECIDA network. They suggest the improvement and reactivation of the “Plan de comunicación” (Communication Plan) made in 2010 by Montse Grabolosa as an essential project. Josep Melero, Ana Pardo, and Montse Grabolosa form the group.
    • Small libraries. As a request of Alejandro del Moral, we created this group to service better both: those that already exist in our network and those that may incorporate into RECIDA. The following people also joined him: Alejandro del Moral, Pep Amengual, Clara Server, Jordi Vicente and Rosa Escobar.

    Presentation of the different tools

    Ángel Poveda. University of Salamanca:

    • Exelearning, which is a program to make didactic webs.
    • InDesing, resources layout.

    On Friday afternoon and Saturday morning (1st December), some assistants continued the photographic practice guided by Nacho Cabellos. He was the one who was later involved to spell out how to work with the Virtual Biodiversity platform

  • Suggestions for future actions

    We attached the following agreements for 2012-2013:

    1. RECIDA: General aspects

    • Make the Policies of photographs, operation, etc.
    • Find grants and subsidies.
    • Retake and improve the existing Communication Plan and actions to disseminate RECIDA.
    • To see work possibilities between the territorial and the organizers of the different seminars.
    • Disseminate and expand the Network with new centers and continue contact with universities.

    2. RECIDA portal

    • Improving the experience sheet and filling in new ones
    • Finalization of the resource file to share it
    • Improving the list of electronic resources
    • Create the structure in Drupal for the RECIDA directory tabs
    • Continuous web updating


    Bulletins / Publications:

    • Bulletin review and update
    • Creation of publication files

    Small libraries

    • Seeking support from the Ministry


    • Seeking other networks with communication plans (Benchmarking)
    • Submit a form to define target audiences
    • Send a list of environmental anniversaries

    Social network

    • Analyze RECIDA Facebook, using a tool for the analysis of traffic and interaction on the networks
    • Create a Youtube channel
    • To make a video of 30 seconds of each center and post it on YouTube. We will create a manual for it


    • To review the form and then send it to the list.
    • Coordination with the social networking group.

Accesos Directos